Well, hello there. Welcome to my new blog. I never thought I would do this. I have fought the impulse numerous times. But finally I have caved and here I am, a blogger. Yikes!
What finally got me to this point is my overwhelming desire to participate in Tuesdays with Dorie.. I've been baking from Dorie Greenspan's book, Baking, for almost a year and I find it hard to resist any of the recipes. Then I found out that a group of nearly 200 bakers bake from the book every week and post the results on their blogs. I said to myself, "Internet-alter-ego Kittymama, you really should be doing that too!" And Kittymama said, " Myself, you are so right." So here I am.
So now that you know my motivation for the blog, you may be wondering where the name Kittymama comes from. Actually if you know me, you know about the cats. The cats, the cats, the cats. Kittydad (also known as my husband) and I are nuts about our kitties. We have 4 who live inside with us: Gonzo, GoGo Boots, Pumpkin and Merlin. Yeah, 4 is a lot. We know we're crazy. No, we will never have scratch-free furniture. Yes, we have 3 litter boxes and the staff at PetGoods run to re-stock the shelves when they see Kittydad walk in. But we love them dearly and they all needed homes. We also have 2 semi-feral cats who live in our backyard & garage: Belle and Velvet, a mother-and-son team. Yeah, that makes 6. We know. We know. But hey it's our house -- do what you want in yours, okay?
I took on the moniker Kittymama when I joined a chat board for people adopting from China. Kittydad and I have just started the process to adopt from China, after spending a year in line for another country that recently closed. We have mountains of paperwork to complete - again! - but the cats need another human to boss around, don't you think?
Blogging is HUGE in the adoption world. I can't decide yet how much stuff, if any, about our adoption I will put on the blog but I'll probably post occasional updates and use it for a travel journal when the time comes.
So here we go. Hope I don't bore you (or myself). Let's see what I can cook up...
Ignore the friends who Shudder.. they're just jealous that you aren't afraid of technology :)
Welcome to blogland
i would find a color different than the color in the right hand column easier to read (green).
Hmm..well I LIKE the green. That's sort of my green. I don't find it hard to read. The template is a standard one that Blogger provides. I haven't figured out yet if I can change it around. I might switch over to another template with white background when I have some photos to add, so we'll see...but I appreciate the feedback.
Grand Lizard, are your real-life initials HFS? I have a sneaky suspicion who you are....but I could be wrong.
Well,I guess I just have to suffer. Well, keep the green ... but how about black letters (or another distinctive color) so's you have a difference between the right and left hand column?
In the meantime, I can assure your followers the dessert was excellent.
How about telling them about the rhubarb sherbet?
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